Putting everything aside.
Is it just me or does it seem that everywhere you look, there is some sort of line drawn in the sand, some stipulation that is placed to cause division? I see it everywhere. People choosing to only interact with or be kind to those that check off all the boxes of their list of "acceptable" qualities and traits. It is rather disturbing that so many divisions exist within humanity and the world at large.
The unwillingness for compassion and understanding for the sake of one's own comfort and security is simply not ok. Be it a difference in beliefs, appearances, or something else, the ignorance and fear that causes these divisions are the same. Can you imagine how brighter our world would be if everyone put everything aside? I mean put it all aside, not just appearances and beliefs but EVERYTHING. Strip it down to the bare bones, remove every label that has been placed on everything and everyone. Get rid of them all and I mean ALL of them: differences in color, race, gender, political, religious, societal norms and status, age, location, beliefs, appearances, and every other label. Throw out these limitations that keep one stuck in a perpetual state of stagnation.
These labels we place on ourselves, others, and the world around us, really hinder our growth and evolution as humans. All of these thoughts that separate us are not our own; they have been given to us, implanted by family, friends, society, and the world around us. And I get it, it's scary, if not downright frightening to step outside one's comfort zone. But how can we grow and create a better future when we are living in this state of fear and ignorance? We can't, we'll only continue to perpetuate and further the separation of humanity. And that, that is what we really should be afraid of because if we lose our capacity for compassion and understanding of our unique differences and perspectives, we lose the capacity to see and experience the true nature of our existence.
These divisions are merely illusions and when learn to see beyond the masks that we wear, we realize that at the very core of our being, we are all essentially the same. We all want to experience happiness, joy, and love. We want to live our lives in comfort and peace and to be treated with respect and kindness. Ultimately, we all want to be accepted and loved for who we are as we are. I truly believe that no human being really wants to fight or harm others and that it is a lack of understanding, a lack of knowledge that keep these divisions alive.
So, if only for a moment, put everything aside, forget about all the divisions, let go of all the labels, and imagine a world where love reigned. A world where we celebrated our differences, respected each other's perspectives, and cherished and appreciated others. Respect and kindness would permeate the hearts of everyone, overflowing with compassion and love for all. How beautiful would that be? Heaven on earth, I do believe it would be.