Fraction of the whole.

I love to gaze at the stars and admire the night sky. It is so serene, so calming to watching the moon slowly and gracefully travel across the sky. The stars twinkle and sparkle with various degrees of intensity. It's like when you watch the sunlight dance and glisten, gently rippling over calm waters; its hypnotic in its beauty. A cool summer breeze gently caresses your cheeks as it swirls all around, as the leaves melodiously whisper the sweetest of songs. It's truly a magical experience. 

On such a night, not that long ago while I was out enjoying the beauty and magic of the night skies. As I sat there, gazing into the depths of the night, I had a thought- more of an insight really. "You are but a mere fraction of the whole", is what had come into my mind. This insight was really only confirmation of something that I had known deep within myself to be true. Something that I had stumbled upon some time ago.   

For quite some time I have been on this spiritual journey. A journey of seeking the truth and meaning of life. While I have discovered and learned a lot about myself and this world that we live in, the most profound of these truths came to me in a dream. I dreamt about a multi-faceted prism, a diamond of sorts. The numerous facets of this diamond reflected this brilliant light, and it produced these intense and innumerable fractions of the original light. It was an extremely vivid and beautiful dream. 

So, when I had that insight while I was star gazing on that beautifully magical night, I was reminded of that dream and that I was simply a mere fraction of the whole, a single thread that's woven into the one, infinite tapestry of the universe. If you take a deeper look into the microcosm's and macrocosm's as well as the anatomies and structures of all living beings, you begin to realize that it is all connected and made of the same things. Each and every particle, cell, and atom that makes us who we are, are the same cells, the same particles, and the same atoms that make up the plants, animals, stars, planets, the entire world and infinite vastness of the universe. There are just arranged differently, different expressions of the same thing. 

It would be rather insensible to dismiss this truth. We really are made up of the same particles that make up those magnificent twinkling stars in the night sky. Our blood flows within our veins the same as the rivers flow across the lands. To separate or dismiss that which connects us; is to deny that which created the beauty of every unique, individual expression of the universe and all that lives within it. We truly are a fraction of the whole. 

When we gain the knowledge of our connections, we begin to form a deeper understanding and appreciation for all. Our love grows and flourishes because we no longer see the divisions that once influenced our separation. We become more tolerant and understanding of our difference because we know that they are merely illusions. Embracing the uniqueness and diversity of all that is around us guides us to a newfound respect and appreciation for all the spectacular ways that the universe expresses itself. 

We should embrace these different expressions and learn to cherish them for what they truly are. Because when we are able to show kindness, respect, and love towards all, that is when we begin to break down the illusions of separateness and can create a world of unity. A world of love. 





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